Brief Intro

Aug 12, 2023


Software as a service (SaaS) will be a transient phenomenon that existed from 1990 to 2020. Because before 1990 it was business was about people, and after 2020 business will be about AI as employees. In the time in the middle, it was about SaaS.

Though SaaS will always have its place, its place will always be this weird intermediate, where we figured enough about computers to be able to build crazy shit, but we still had jobs where people just sat a computer following Standard Operating Procedures and near mindlessly moving data from application to application, database to database.

AI is cool because it gives us an escape hatch from that hellhole. Instead of having poor chumps interacting with poor software, AI will act like a person doing the mindless work of moving data from application to application, database to database. For the first time, we will have true compounding organization.

We will first build AI agents to interact with single or a handful of applications. Then we will build AI agents to manage other AI agents, and so on and so forth. And what about people?

People will not be sitting in the cubicle transcribing spreadsheets, compiling briefs, or formatting decks (who wanted to do that anyways???). People will be managing teams of AI agents to to that for them. People will be even more empowered by leveraging the power of AI agents. This is also known as management.

So, what is the idea behind and builds the fabric upon which agents communicate with themselves, applications and people. is the yellow pages for finding those agents. Agents will come with resumes and references — just like people. You can give them interviews and test tasks — just like people. And Orchestrator by will make sure that those agents will scale, and have access to the tools they need for success.